The collisional drift mode in a partly-ionized plasma

The structure of the drift instability is examined in several density regimes. Let λ e be the total electron mean free path, kz the wave-vector component along the magnetic field, and ν ⊥ / ν the ratio of perpendicular ion diffusion to parallel electron streaming rates. At low densities (kz ν e > 1), the drift mode is isothermal, and should be treated kinetically. In the finite heat conduction regime the drift instability threshold is reduced at low densities (v/v0·1), as compared with the isothermal threshold. Finally, in the energy transfer limit (kzλe<(m/M)½), the drift instability behaves adiabatically in a fully-ionized plasma, and isothermally in a partly-ionized plasma, for an ion-neutral to Coulomb collision frequency ratio vin/vii>2(m/M)½ at Ti = Tc = Tn.