Notes on the Geology of Burma.

I. Historical . It is the object of this paper to present the results of geological expeditions in the Irawadi valley carried out by my uncle Mr. W. H. Dalton, F.G.S., and myself in the season of 1904–1905, and by myself alone in 1905–1906, and to correlate these observations with those made by previous writers, thus summarizing our present knowledge of the geology of Burma generally and of the Tertiary System of that country in particular. Dr. Fritz Nœtling in 1895 reviewed the work done on the geology of Burma before that date, pointing out the remarkably-accurate hypothetical arrangement of the rocks of Burma made by Buckland in 1828, and the absence of subdivision of the Tertiary System previous to W. Theobald's paper on Lower Burma in 1873. In this summary the ‘Axial Group’ of Theobald is referred to as certainly not of Triassic age—a statement controverted by later examination of the fossils of the Arakan Yoma and other parts of Lower Burma—although found true in the sense that the group is a complex one (as we now know), and neither Triassic nor Cretaceous alone, but assignable to both of these. While Dr. Nœtling's paper thus reviews the greater number of the works published on the geology of Burma, and in particular those relating to the Tertiary of the better-known regions of the Irawadi basin, there are certain other papers to which it is necessary to refer here, as they deal with the outlying districts. Of these the earliest is that

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