Platelet shape change and cytoskeletal reorganization on polyurethaneureas

Understanding how platelet activation responses are affected by polymers having varied surface physicochemical properties can lead to improved materials for vascular applications. The in vitro responses of human platelets were studied upon adherence to four polyurethaneureas with different soft segments, as well as to Biomer, and to Formvar. Platelets were observed by video‐enhanced light microscopy (VLM) as they adhered to polymer films. Platelets were subsequently prepared for high‐voltage transmission electron microscopy (HVEM) to view the cytoskeleton and other ultrastructural features. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was then used to characterize cell surface morphology and to survey platelet populations. Shape change and cytoskeletal reorganization differed on the various surfaces. The extent of shape change and cytoskeletal reorganization was related to polyurethane surface energetic properties. While the most extensive shape change was observed on the hydrophilic and polar Formvar surface, the least shape change was observed on a polyethylene oxide soft segment polyurethane with similar surface‐water energetic properties. Therefore properties other than surface‐water energetics must be involved in determining platelet responses to different classes of polymers. HVEM also showed that cytoskeletal reorganization proceeded to completion only on Formvar. Polyurethane adherent platelets, although appearing fully spread by SEM or VLM, never exhibited complete cytoskeletal reorganization.