The 5′ part of the mouse immunoglobulin κ locus

The 5′ region of the mouse κ locus comprises 63 Vκ genes in six contigs of together 1.5 Mb, including one which links the region to the central part of the locus. The structures of the contigs were established by detailed restriction mapping of cosmid clones prepared from libraries of mouse C57BL/6 DNA and of yeast and bacterial artificial chromosomes (YACs, BACs with mouse DNA inserts). Pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis of yeast artificial chromosome digests indicated that the gaps between the contigs were 10 to 60 kb, comprising together about 160 kb. The region of the κ locus described here contains Vκ1, Vκ2, Vκ9/10, Vκ11, Vκ12/13, Vκ20, Vκ24, Vκ32, Vκ33/34 and Vκ38C genes as well as the VκRF gene and, towards the center of the locus, a number of Vκ4/5 genes. Near the 5′ end of the locus interspersed α‐tubulin gene‐like sequences were found. At its 3′ side the region borders on the Vκ4/5 contigs of the central region of the locus which is described in the accompanying report (Eur. J. Immunol. 1999. 29: 2057 – 2064). Structural details are to be found in the Internet at‐ In a concluding section the main features of the structure of the mouse κ locus are summarized.