Prognostic value oferb-B2 andmyc amplification in breast cancer imprints

Background. Amplification of erb‐B2 and myc shows prognostic value in patients with operable breast cancer. Amplification is usually detected in tumor samples remaining after pathologic work‐up, preventing the examination of small tumors. Methods. Tumor imprints that contained low numbers of contaminating normal cells were obtained from small tumors. The prognostic value of erb‐B2 and myc amplification in imprint breast preparations was examined, using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to determine gene copy number. Tumor material was obtained from 162 patients with breast cancer operated 1975‐1976. Results. Amplification of erb‐B2 existed in 21% and myc in 16% of the patients. Both erb‐B2 and myc amplification showed prognostic significance in univariate analysis for survival and relapse free survival. In multivariate analysis, erb‐B2 was a significant factor. In small tumors less than 13 mm in greatest dimension, erb‐B2 showed prognostic significance for survival but not for relapse free survival. Conclusions. The use of imprints/PCR allows the detection of gene amplification in breast cancer. The procedure is suitable for the analysis of small tumors and can be used to examine very small tumors, such as those detected mammographically. Cancer 1995;75:2681–7.