Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) displays a wide range of outcrossing levels as a result of the dissolution of the tristylous genetic polymorphism and the evolution of semihomostyly. Population surveys, comparison of fitness components of the style morphs, and computer simulations were used to investigate the breakdown of tristyly and the selective mechanisms responsible for the evolution of self‐fertilization. Of 110 populations surveyed in northeast Brazil and Jamaica, 53% were trimorphic, 25% were dimorphic, and 22% were monomorphic for style morph. The short (S) morph was underrepresented in trimorphic populations and absent from nontrimorphic populations. The mid (M) morph predominated in dimorphic populations and was the only morph in monomorphic populations. Stamen modifications promoting selfing, associated with semihomostyle evolution, were largely confined to the M morph. They were rare in trimorphic populations, common in dimorphic populations, and often fixed in monomorphic populations. Stochastic simulations and comparisons of fruit set in natural populations indicate that founder events, population bottlenecks, and lowered fertility of the S morph due to an absence of long‐tongued pollinators can each account for loss of the S morph from trimorphic populations. A reduced level of disassortative mating can accentuate the rate at which the S morph is lost by both random and deterministic processes. Nontrimorphic populations occur at the geographical margins of the region surveyed and tend to be smaller and less dense than trimorphic populations. These observations and the higher fruit set of the M morph relative to the L morph in dimorphic populations suggest that reproductive assurance, favoring selfing variants of the M morph under conditions of low pollinator service, has been of primary importance in the origin of most monomorphic populations. Where pollinator service is reliable, however, automatic selection of selfing genes, aided by mating asymmetries between the morphs, can cause the M morph to spread to fixation in dimorphic populations.
Funding Information
  • Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada