Soybean (Glycine max cv. Bragg) petiolar tissue containing translocated 14C-sucrose was quick frozen, freeze-substituted in acetone or propylene oxide and embedded in Epon. This procedure allowed cytological observations on sieve elements whose functional condition could be verified by microautoradiography. Sieve elements and companion cells were essentially free of ice damage. Aside from a P-protein crystal, the central portion of the sieve tube lumen was devoid of stainable content except in the vicinity of sieve plates. Various sized clumps of stacked endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lined the wall. Superficially, the ER “membranes” seemed to consist of parallel arrays of 100 Å protein fibrils. Although that possibility could not be excluded, it seemed more likely that the fibrils were actually between ER cisternae and that the lipoprotein ER membrane could not be detected readily due to the loss of lipids during tissue preparation. The amount and distribution of proteinaceous material in the vicinity of sieve plates was variable but, when present, still consisted almost entirely of 100 Å fibrils organized into membrane-like arrays. Stacks of ER in various degrees of disorganization and a few 100 Å fibrils were found near sieve plates, with some fibrils extending through the pores. However, most (70%) of the sieve plate pores were essentially free from obstruction. The observations favor an osmotically generated pressure flow mechanism of translocation in soybean.