c-myc Down-Regulation Induces Apoptosis in Human Cancer Cell Lines Exposed to RPR-115135 (C31H29NO4), a Non-Peptidomimetic Farnesyltransferase Inhibitor

A therapeutic strategy that relies on the use of c-myc antisense in combination with a farnesyltransferase inhibitor, RPR-115135 (C31H29NO4), was studied in human cancer cell lines carrying different mutations (Ras, p53,myc amplification). Cell proliferation was strongly inhibited by the combination and was observed when c-mycoligo (at a concentration that down-regulates c-mycexpression) was followed by RPR-115135. Cell cycle analysis demonstrated an accumulation in G0-G1 phase and a tendency to apoptosis (not detectable in cells treated with a single agent). Morphological examination and DNA fragmentation assays (filter binding and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay DNA fragmentation) confirmed the induction of apoptosis. Apoptosis was not p53- and/or p21waf-1-dependent, and the key effector was caspase activation. The combination induced Bax expression and Bcl-2 inhibition. Down-regulation of c-myc amplification carried out a specific role exclusively when Ras was mutated. Exposure of human proliferating lymphocytes to combination did not result in cytotoxicity, suggesting that mechanisms regulating c-myc gene expression during normal T cell proliferation might not be involved. Because of the high percentage of human tumors overexpressing c-myc mRNA and/or protein and, simultaneously, harboring oncogenic Ras mutants (i.e., colon cancers), interrupting the myc- and Ras-signaling pathway would be one of the major focuses on therapy of these types of tumors.