A Role for Cytokinins in De-Etiolation in Arabidopsis (det Mutants Have an Altered Response to Cytokinins)

When grown in the absence of light, Arabidopsis thaliana deetiolated (det) mutants develop many of the characteristics of light-grown plants, including the development of leaves and chloroplasts, the inhibition of hypocotyl growth elongation, and elevated expression levels of light-regulated genes. We show here that dark-grown wild-type seedlings exhibit similar phenotypic traits if any one of a variety of cytokinins are present in the growth medium. We further show that the striking phenotype of det mutants is unlikely to be caused by different levels of cytokinins in these mutants. The three major Arabidopsis cytokinins, zeatin, zeatin riboside, and isopentenyladenosine, accumulate to similar levels in wild-type seedlings grown in either the light or the dark. There is no consistently different pattern for the levels of these cytokinins in wild-type versus det1 or det2 mutants. However, det1 and det2 have an altered response to cytokinin in a detached leaf senescence assay and in tissue culture experiments. A model is proposed in which light and cytokinins act independently or sequentially through common signal transduction intermediates such as DET1 and DET2 to control the downstream light-regulated responses.