Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions in Two Tutton's Salts

This paper reports results of nuclear induction experiments on two isomorphic single crystals of Tutton's salts, Rb2Mg(SO4)2·6H2O and Cs2Mg(SO4)2·6H2O, belonging to crystal class P21a. The splittings, due to nuclear electric quadrupole interactions, of the nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of Rb87 and Cs133 observed in these experiments are analyzed by using perturbation theory. Analysis of the data yields a quadrupole coupling constant for Rb87 of |eQqh|=3141±35 kc/sec, and the asymmetry of the field gradient at the nuclear site is η=(φxxφyy)φzz=0.47±0.01. The principal axis of the field gradient is directed toward the nearest sulfate ion but no correlation of asymmetry and near neighbor locations is observed.