Transition moments and integrated intensities of HCN(ν1+ν3) and DCN(ν1+ν3) combination bands

The absolute infrared integrated intensities of HCN(ν1+ν3) and DCN(ν1+ν3) summation bands have been measured using the pressure broadening technique. From the measured integrated intensities, transition moments were determined. The values obtained were 1.1±0.1 cm−2 atm−1 and 0.9±0.1 cm−2 atm−1 at 298 °K, respectively, for the HCN and DCN intensities and 1.8×10−41 erg cm3 and 1.9×10−41 erg cm3 for the square of the transition moments. The values reported are 50 times smaller than the corresponding transition moment for CO2 at 10.6 μm, hence it will be considerably more difficult for the HCN/DCN laser to attain threshold.