The Adjustable Supraglottiscope

Transoral surgery in the supraglottic larynx is facilitated by the use of a new instrument, an adjustable supraglottiscope. Conventional adjustable laryngoscopes are not designed for supraglottic surgery and are therefore difficult to use in this area. The adjustable supraglottiscope: (1) provides wide exposure of the supraglottis and much of the lower pharynx, (2) allows instruments to be introduced from the side (between the blades), (3) allows for true suspension, and (4) retracts the endotracheal tube out of the way. These factors provide greater visualization and control of the surgical field and thus improve hemostasis and precision. The adjustable supraglottiscope has been used successfully in a variety of clinical situations. Transoral supraglottic surgery now takes considerably less time and is done with much greater ease. The adjustable supraglottiscope is a valuable instrument in our armamentarium and extends our versatility for endoscopic management of lesions of the supraglottic larynx and lower pharynx.