Changes in Liver Structure and Function after Short-Term and Long-Term Treatment of Rats with Dehydroepiandrosterone

The effects on the liver of feeding a diet containing 0.2% dehydroepiandrosterone were studied after short (7 d) and long (100 d) periods of treatment in rats. The short-term treatment caused hypertrophy of the hepatocytes that, at the ultrastructural level, seemed to be due to proliferation of peroxisomes and (to a minor extent) of mitochondria. The mitochondria seemed to have undergone transition from expanded to condensed configuration; accordingly, after isolation, their rate of coupled respiration was greater than that of control mitochondria. After long-term treatment, the structure of the hepatocytes reverted toward normal. In fact, at the ultrastructural level, the number and the size of peroxisomes was not significantly different from those of the controls, but degenerative phenomena were observed in the mitochondria. Attempts are made to explain the above ultrastructural and biochemical findings in view of the effects of dehydroepiandrosterone on the energy metabolism of liver.