An analytic model is described for application in ultrasonic tissue characterization. The model is applicable to clinical broadband pulse echo systems. It treats spectra derived from received echo signals and relates them to physical tissue properties. The model can be applied to deterministic tissue structures (e.g., retinal detachments, larger blood vessels, and surface layers of the kidney) and to stochastic tissue structures (e.g., various tumors). The beam patterns included in the model are those generated by focused transducers typically used in high-resolution clinical [human] ultrasound. Appropriate calibration procedures are also treated; these are needed for interpretation of absolute spectral parameters. The results obtained with the analytic model have been used to design a digital processing system and the associated techniques which are now being applied during examinations of the eye and abdominal organs. The results have proven useful in interpreting data from various types of tissues. To illustrate the application of these results, representative clinical data, obtained from the digital system, are presented for 2 types of tissue architecures. The 1st case is a detached retina representing a deterministic structure characterized by well-defined thickness and reflection coefficients. The 2nd case is asteroid hyalosis and represents a stochastic entity in which the positions of small scattering particles are best described in statistical terms, and characterization is accomplished by means of normalized power spectra.