Certain classes of unitary representations of the lightlike continuous spin and the spacelike cases are constructed. The generators in these representations involve operators forming the ``intrinsic'' algebras (i.e., commuting with the orbital parts) E3 and O(3, 1) for P2 = 0 and P2 < 0, respectively. The parallel construction for P2 > 0 involving an intrinsic O4 algebra is indicated. Equivalence relations with certain other forms are given through a unitary transformation. The physical significance of the ``translation'' generators of E3 is brought out in terms of the projections of W orthogonal to P. Corresponding results for the O(3, 1) and O(4) algebras are given. For the continuous‐spin case, these operators are shown to provide a basis with extremely simple transformation properties, related to a certain symmetric toplike behavior even under Lorentz transformations. With a view to future use, the matrix elements of W on the energy‐rotation basis are calculated in a unified manner for all the three cases, P2⋛0. A deformation formula leading from zero‐mass continuous‐spin representations to spacelike ones is studied. Certain types of nonunitary representations are briefly introduced at the end.