Two types of defect clusters in GaAs

The coefficient for radiation-induced changes in the carrier lifetime is studied as a function of the doping level in GaAs for irradiation with 2.5–100 MeV electrons and reactor neutrons. On the basis of the results obtained and further data on the thermal annealing of radiation defects it is concluded that I- and R-type defect clusters may be introduced into GaAs. I-clusters are suggested to consist mainly of interstitial complexes while R-clusters are formed both of interstitials and of vacancies. At a temperature of 260°C vacancy-type defects anneal and R-clusters transform to I-clusters which anneal at 480°C. The threshold energy for I-cluster formation is 2.8 keV and that for R-cluster introduction is estimated to be ∽ 15 keV. It is also noticed that defect clusters of more than one type may be introduced into other semiconductors.