The Weak-Magnetic Moment of Heavy Quarks

  • 3 February 1997
With initial and final particles on-shell, the anomalous weak-magnetic dipole moments of b and c quarks are electroweak gauge invariant quantities of the effective couplings Zb\bar{b} and Zc\bar{c}, respectively, and good candidates to test the Standard Model and/or new physics. Here we present a complete computation of these quantities within the Standard Model. We show that decoupling properties with respect to heavy particles do take place in the weak magnetic moment. The obtained values, a_b(M_Z^2)=(2.98-1.56i)x10^(-4) and a_c(M_Z^2)=(-2.80+1.09i)x10^(-5) are dominated by one-gluon exchange diagrams. The electroweak corrections are less than 1% of the total magnitude.

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