Disappearance of flow as a probe of the nuclear equation of state

The disappearance of directed, collective nuclear motion (‘‘flow’’) away from the interaction region of heavy-ion collisions has been observed using the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Streamer Chamber. We find that flow vanishes at a beam energy near 50 MeV/nucleon for the La139 +139La system and near 60 MeV/nucleon for the Nb93 +93Nb system. The disappearance of flow may be understood as resulting from a balance between attractive and repulsive scattering strengths. Full calculations with the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model show that the disappearance of flow is sensitive to the assumed nuclear equation of state (EOS) and to the in-medium scattering cross section (σNN). Also, in the Nb93 +93Nb system, the purely attractive contribution to the reduced flow does not appear to be strongly sensitive to the EOS assumptions.