Band dispersion inC60(111): An angle-resolved photoemission study

Angle-resolved photoemission studies of single-crystal C60(111) films grown on GeS(001) reveal changes in valence feature line shape with emission angle and photon energy that are indicative of band dispersion. For an excitation energy (hν) of 10 eV, normal emission spectra show four sharp structures within the ∼1.1-eV-wide valence feature derived from the second highest molecular orbital (HOMO-1) of C60. For hν=8.1 eV, the 1-eV-wide HOMO-derived feature exhibits changes with emission angle mainly due to dispersion of 0.6 eV in the unoccupied bands. The distribution of electronic states underlying HOMO and HOMO-1 indicates that vibronic loss structures are not necessary to explain the width of these valence features.