Effect of Loading Doses of l‐Valine on Relative Contributions of Valine Derived from Protein Degradation and Plasma to the Precursor Pool for Protein Synthesis in Rat Brain

"Flooding" amino acid pools with high doses of labeled amino acids of low specific activity has been proposed to minimize the effects of recycling of amino acids derived from protein degradation on the specific activity of the amino acid precursor pool for protein synthesis. We have examined the influence of recycling on the precursor pool for protein synthesis under conditions in which plasma valine concentrations were normal (0.19 mM) and "flooded" (10-28 mM) by comparing the steady-state specific activity of the tRNA-bound valine with that of the plasma valine. Under normal and "flooding" conditions, the relative contributions of valine from protein degradation to the precursor pool were 63 and 26%, respectively; "flooding" with a plasma level of 28 mM raised the brain acid-soluble pool level to 3.1 mM but was no more effective in decreasing the relative contribution of valine from protein degradation to the precursor pool than "flooding" with a plasma level of 17 mM valine, which raised the brain acid-soluble level only to 2.3 mM. The results of these studies show that "flooding" amino acid pools does indeed reduce the effect of recycling on the precursor amino acid pool for protein synthesis, but it does not totally eliminate it.