Total inclusive neutron cross sections and multiplicities in nucleus-nucleus collisions at intermediate energies

The total integrated inclusive cross section, σ(T<T0), for the emission of neutrons above an energy T0 by neon ions with an average energy of 337 MeV per nucleon reacting in targets of uranium, copper, aluminum, and carbon is described by σ¯NN(R¯Gr0)α(T0). Here σ¯NN is the isospin-averaged nucleon-nucleon cross section evaluated at an energy equal to the bombarding energy per nucleon, and R¯G is the arithmetic mean value of the radii of the projectile and the target measured in units of the radius parameter r0(=1.2 fm). In the limit T0=0, the exponent α(T0)=5. A useful formula is derived for calculating mean neutron multiplicities in nucleus-nucleus collisions.