Removal of Trace Levels off Phenols from Aqueous Solution by Foam Flotation

Peritachlorophenol (PCP) was removed from water by foam flotation with the cationic surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB). With initial PCP concentrations of 20 ppm or less, residual PCP concentrations of less than 0.05 ppm were obtained after 5 min flotation. The CTAB concentration and flotation time are directly related to the amount of PCP removed. PCP removal is most efficient at neutral to basic pH and at low ionic strength. PCP removal is less effective with sodium dodecyl sulfate. As much as 80% of the CTAB can be replaced by dodecylamine without inhibiting PCP removal. Alcohols up to 10% by volume do not affect PCP removal. Other phenols can also be removed equally well by foam flotation if the phenol is in the anionic form during flotation.