Effect of Subprimal Fabrication and Packaging Methods on Palatability and Retail Caselife of Loin Steaks from Lean Beef

Eighty subprimals were fabricated from 20 pairs of beef strip loins from lean (fat thickness, 0.2‐0.4 cm) US Standard and US Good carcasses. Three vacuum packaged (VP) and one dry aged treatments were randomly assigned to short loin sections of each carcass. Steaks from VP intact and VP not‐reassembled subprimals were rated highest in overall appearance and eating quality. Dry aging reduced retail caselife, produced greater shrinkage and trim losses and lower overall satisfaction ratings by panelists. Precutting subprimals into steaks followed by VP aging tends to decrease retail caselife (especially if steaks are reassembled) and decrease juiciness and tenderness.