Cooperative Learning: Effects of Task, Reward, and Group Size on Individual Achievement

This research sought to (a) determine whether cooperative learning can effectively promote individual achievement, and if so, (b) identify specific conditions under which a benefit can be expected. In each of two experiments, trainee Equipment Records and Part Specialists, Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 76C, received 15 blocks of instruction on how to perform specific supply- related tasks as part of Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Experiment 1 compared the test performance of 280 trainees after they had completed practical exercises (PEs) under either cooperative or individual learning. Under cooperative learning, trainees worked together in groups of two or four and helped each other learn. Under individual learning, they worked alone and obtained help from an instructor rather than from each other. In addition, group members were rewarded (i.e., allowed to proceed through the course with attending remedial study halls) either independently or as a group for their subsequent individual test performance. Results revealed that (a) cooperative learning improved individual trainee test scores but only when coupled with a group reward contingency, and (b) significant benefits occurred once group size reached four members. The significance of these findings for Army training dis that individual achievement gains can be obtained through cooperative learning in four-member groups without modifying training materials and without increasing the demand for training resources.

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