Insemination‐induced histolysis of the flight musculature in fire ants (solenopsis, spp.): An ultrastructural study

The fine structure of the insemination-induced flight muscle degeneration (histolysis) in the queen fire ant (Solenopsis spp.) has been investigated. Within 2 hours post-insemination, degenerative changes are detectable in the most peripheral fasciculi of the fibrillar flight muscle. Histolysis proceeds internally with time. Myofibril (sarcomere) dissolution begins with myofilament breakdown and continues until only free Z-line material remains. The latter subsequently disappears leaving, at the terminal stages, only nuclei, lamellar bodies (myelin figures), and tracheoles as residual myoid elements. Lysosomes and/or phagocytes do not appear to play a primary role in the initiation and continuance of this process.