Five studies have shown that cisapride increased the antral motility index in the interdigestive and digestive states and three of these studies showed a stimulation of duodenal motility index and increased antroduodenal coordination. In normal volunteers and in patients with dyspepsia (223 subjects), both solid and liquid emptying is speeded by cisapride compared with placebo, and cisapride was as good as, or better than, metoclopramide at the same dosage. In studies in 37 diabetics with gastroparesis, both solid and liquid emptying were speeded and returned to normal, and cisapride was superior to metoclopramide. Solid emptying was speeded in patients with anorexia nervosa, chronic pseudo-obstruction and systemic sclerosis and the delay in gastric emptying induced by both morphine and dopamine was reversed. The effect of cisapride on bile reflux is still uncertain. Eight different methods of measuring gastric emptying were employed in these studies and they all gave similar results; the doses ranged from 2.5-10 mg i. v., and up to 20 mg orally.