In this paper the results of surgery in 65 cases of esotropia with bilateral depression in adduction will be discussed according to the type of procedure done. This group of cases has been defined previously1 as those in which esotropia is greater for distance and upward gaze than for near and downward gaze, the near point of convergence is good to fair, and a right hypertropia is present on gaze to the right and a left hypertropia on gaze to the left. This group has been termed Group II and the condition is comparable in several respects to esotropia with "divergence insufficiency." EFFECT OF RESECTION OF ONE LATERAL RECTUS Case 1 (B). —A girl aged 15 came to the Infirmary in 1941 with a history of the right eye turning in since 5 years of age. With the perimeter there were 30 degrees of esotropia for distance and 24