Topographic Analysis of Epidural Pure-Tone–Evoked Potentials in Gerbil Auditory Cortex

This study investigated the tonotopic organization of pure-tone–evoked middle latency auditory evoked potentials (MAEPs) recorded at the auditory cortical surface in unanesthetized gerbils. Multielectrode array recording and multiple linear regression analysis of the MAEP demonstrated different degrees of tonotopic organization of early and late MAEP components. The early MAEP components P1 and N1 showed focal topography and clear dependence in location and size of cortical area covered on pure-tone frequency. The later components P2 and N2 showed a widespread topography which was largely unaffected in location and size of cortical area covered by pure-tone frequency. These results allow delimitation of the neural generators of the early and late MAEP components in terms of the spectral properties of functionally defined neural populations.