Charged-particle—producing reactions of 15-MeV neutrons onV51andNb93

Cross sections for the (n,xp), (n,d), and (n,xα) reactions for 15-MeV neutrons on V51 and Nb93 have been measured with a magnetic quadrupole spectrometer. The importance of the (n,np) reaction as a source of protons is examined by comparing these results with those recently obtained for Ti46. Good fits to the (n,xp) and (n,xα) energy spectra require contributions from both equilibrium and nonequilibrium reactions, while only the latter appear in the (n,d) spectra. Calculated values for the (n,np) and (n,nα) cross sections agree well with the experimental values. The cross sections are V51(n,xp) 91 ± 14 mb, V51(n,xd) 7 ± 3 mb, V51(n,xα) 17 ± 3 mb, Nb93(n,xp) 51 ± 8 mb, Nb93(n,xd) 8 ± 3 mb, and Nb93(n,xα) 14 ± 3 mb.