Epidemiology and Financial Impact of Fowl Cholera in Turkeys: A Retrospective Analysis

A retrospective study of the epidemiology and financial impact of fowl cholera (FC) in California meat turkeys during 1984 was performed. Data were collected from 64 flocks.sbd.23 FC-outbreak flocks and 41 controls (non-outbreak).sbd.raised in the Central Valley of the state. Mean flock age at the time of the FC outbreak was 11.3 weeks. Flocks that reported a colibacillosis outbreak had increased odds (P = 0.11) of also having an FC outbreak. (This association may or may not indicate a cause-effect relationship.) There was no significant difference between FC-outbreak and control flocks in number of diseases reported, age at onset, or duration of diseases or syndromes except age at onset of roundheart disease. The relative morality rates were 52% higher in FC-outbreak hens than in their controls. Medication costs were nearly tripled, and the relative condemnation rate was 60% higher in FC-outbreak flocks than in control flocks. The average costs of FC were nearly $0.40 per bird, or $18,750 per flock, in an outbreak flock of 50,000 birds, and $0.12 per bird, or $6000 per flock, in non-outbreak flocks vaccinated against FC.

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