SUMMARY No previous studies have been made of the aquatic Phycomycetes of Mexico. From a series of sixty soil samples collected from various localities in Mexico in August, 1937, the following aquatic fungi were isolated: Blastocladiaceae—Allomyces arbuscula, A. anomala, A. moniliformis, and Allomyces sp. indet. Saprolegniaceae—Achlya conspicua, Brevilegnia diclina, and B. subclavata. Leptomitaceae—A podachlya pyrifera. The study of these collections was begun with the support of an Alumni Research Fellowship from the University of Wisconsin, and was completed at Harvard University during the tenure of a National Research Fellowship. The writer is deeply appreciative of the collaboration of Dr. Ralph Emerson in studying the isolates of Allomyces. Nor would the completion of the author's portion of this investigation have been possible without the continued encouragement and helpful suggestions of Dr. E. M. Gilbert and Prof. Wm. H. Weston, Jr., under whom this work was done.

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