Scissors Modes and Spin Excitations in Light Nuclei including $Δ N$=2 excitations: Behaviour of $^8Be$ and $^{10}Be$

Shell model calculations are performed for magnetic dipole excitations in $^8{Be}$ and $^{10}{Be}$ in which all valence configurations plus $2\hbar\omega$ excitations are allowed (large space). We study both the orbital and spin excitations. The results are compared with the `valence space only' calculations (small space). The cumulative energy weighted sums are calculated and compared for the $J=0^+$ $T$=0 to $J=1^+$ $T$=1 excitations in $^8{Be}$ and for $J=0^+$ $T$=1 to both $J=1^+$ $T$=1 and $J$=$1^+$ $T$=2 excitations in $^{10}{Be}$. We find for the $J=0^+$ $T$=1 to $J=1^+$ $T$=1 isovector {\underline {spin}} transitions in $^{10}{Be}$ that the summed strength in the {\underline {large}} space is less than in the {\underline {small}} space. We find that the high energy energy-weighted isovector orbital strength is smaller than the low energy strength for transitions in which the isospin is changed, but for $J=0^+$ $T$=1 to $J=1^+$ $T$=1 in $^{10}{Be}$ the high energy strength is larger. We find that the low lying orbital strength in $^{10}{Be}$ is anomalously small, when an attempt is made to correlate it with the $B(E2)$ strength to the lowest $2^+$ states. On the other hand a sum rule of Zheng and Zamick which concerns the total $B(E2)$ strength is reasonably satisfied in both $^8{Be}$ and $^{10}{Be}$. The Wigner supermultiplet scheme is a useful guide in analyzing shell model results. In $^{10}Be$ and with a $Q \cdot Q$ interaction the T=1 and T=2 scissors modes are degenerate, with the latter carrying 5/3 of the T=1 strength.

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