Neurological outcome in high risk weight appropriate for gestational age preterm children at early school age

Neurological development in preterm children with birth weight appropriate for gestational age is reported in two separate groups: a longitudinal study of 97 preterm children and 93 term children as a control group and a cross-sectional study of 249 preterm children. Both preterm groups were regarded as high risk with respect to number of outborns, distribution of gestational age and perinatal risk factors. Neurological outcome at 5–6 years of age in the majority of the preterm children was comparable to that of the term children. However, 15% of boys and 9% of girls in the preterm group were diagnosed as having cerebral palsy. Mild diplegia was most frequently observed; 4% of the children were severely impaired. Fourteen percent of the preterm vs 2% of the term boys and 6–9% of the preterm vs none of the term girls received motor therapy during early school age. There was a small but consistent sex difference in neurological outcome in favour of the term and preterm girls. Effects of drop out rate and of incompleteness of ascertainment are reported in detail.