A formula—Nadai's bending formula—is derived which enables the tension (or compression) stress-strain curve for a material to be obtained from the curve relating bending moment to curvature for a beam of solid rectangular section. The method is extended to give a formula which covers deformations in which reversals of plastic strain occur. The results obtained from a unidirectional bending test made on annealed copper are compared with those obtained from a tensile test made on the same material and the accuracy of the stress-strain values obtained from the bending test is discussed. The results obtained from a reversed bending test are also compared with those obtained from a tension-compression test in which a specimen was first stretched and then compressed to its original length. The limitations imposed by this method of obtaining the stress-strain curve for a material are examined and the advantages its presents in the study of the behaviour of materials under uniaxial stress are outlined.

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