Evaluation process. Previous assessments on this subject were published by the American Electroencephalographic Society (American EEG Society, AEEGS) in 1987 and by the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) in 1989.1,2 Members of both societies were notified by newsletter to solicit their opinions with supporting information for this assessment. Commercial digital EEG vendors were identified by their participation in society meeting exhibits or by their known interests in this field, and they were asked to submit relevant scientific publications supporting clinical use. Many experts in the field were also contacted to request their opinions and to cite relevant scientific publications. A literature search was conducted using the Medline database, covering the years 1984-1995. Searched topics included EEG and evoked potentials, among others, and the identified citations were manually screened for relevance to this assessment. Review articles and published literature reference sections were also screened for relevant information. When outside reviewers and other experts presented viewpoints differing from circulated drafts of this assessment, their opinions and relevant cited literature were reviewed and any appropriate changes were made in the assessment.