Functional Restoration for Recurrent Laryngeal Paralysis: An Experimental Study

The purpose of this investigation was to exclude abductor disturbance and to maintain phonation during recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis through a new surgical design. This new method consists of implantation of the ansa hypoglossi and sternothyroid muscle pedicle which has been shown to provide sufficient abductor function in a recent publication, and the selective severance of the abductor branch after neurorrhaphy of the recurrent laryngeal which is shown to be a sufficient adductor function in another study. The recovery of sufficient abductor function during inspiration and dyspnea was 67% and 89% of adductor function with phonation. However, after cutting an adductor nerve branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve in cases of insufficient abduction, the vocal cord on the operated-on side regained abduction during inspiration. The effect of the ansa hypoglossi and sternothyroid muscle pedicle is also discussed.
Funding Information
  • National Institutes of Health (NS 06200)