Electronic structure of vacancy defects in MgO crystals

The electronic structure of oxygen-vacancy defects (F, F+ and F2+ centers) in MgO crystals has been studied within local-density theory, using the self-consistent mixed-basis pseudopotential techniques. The defects were modeled within a supercell having a volume 8 times that of the perfect MgO crystal. The band structure, density of states, charge-density contours, and total energy were calculated as a function of lattice relaxation. The partial density of states shows that each of the F-type centers introduces impurity states into the band gap as well as near the conduction-band edge of MgO. The total energy was calculated as a function of relaxation of the nearest-neighbor shell of Mg2+ ions. For F centers, the lowest-energy configuration was found to be a small inward relaxation of the nearest Mg2+ ions toward the vacancy site. For F+ and F2+ centers, the lowest total energies correspond to a small outward relaxation of the Mg2+ ions away from the vacancy site. The electronic structure of hydrogen impurities (H and H2 substitutional defects) in MgO was also investigated using the same approach. These impurities contribute defect states within and below the oxygen p bands as well as near the conduction-band edge of MgO. The lowest-total-energy configurations of both H and H2 substitutional defects correspond to a slight outward relaxation of the nearest Mg2+-ion shell.