In order to support the demonstration of the regulative capacity of the chick limb bud, already stressed by one of us (Kieny, 1964, 1967), heterospecific combinations were made between chick and quail tissues, the cells of the latter bearing a distinctive nuclear marker. A Japanese quail whole limb bud (stage-18 to 21 of H. H., wing or leg) was grafted distally onto the prospective zeugopod of a chick (stage-22) wing bud sectioned at the prospective wrist level. Thus, from a heterospecific surplus recombinant containing five prospective limb segments (stylopod and zeugopod from the chick host; stylopod, zeugopod and autopod from the quail graft), it was possible to obtain a normally shaped appendage that comprised either upper arm, lower arm and hand in the case of a wing bud graft, or heteromorphic upper arm, lower leg and foot in the case of a hind-limb bud graft. In these cases, regulation for excess appeared to take place mainly within the host tissues. The three proximal segments of the recombinant, namely the chick stylopod and zeugopod of the host's stump and the quail stylopod of the graft, became reorganized and gave rise to a single stylopodial segment, which usually contained a double stylopodial bone element, one of chick, the other of quail origin. The absence of development of the squeezed prospective zeugopod can be interpreted as follows: owing to an interaction with the stylopodial graft tissues, the zeugopodial cells of the juxtaposed stump boundary have shifted proximally their originally more distal positional values, so that they changed their prospective pattern of differentiation to that of stylopod. These reset zeugopodial cells combine with the stylopodial cells of host and graft and form a huge composite stylopod, in which, due to an asynchronous determination in the two species, chick and quail tissues do not cooperate fully for the development of a single bone.