DNA image cytometry

In 68 patients the DNA content of tumor cells was measured by image cytometry after resection of the rectum because of cancer. In the DNA histogram a differentiation between diploid (n=19), polyploid (n=24), hypotriploid (n=17), and hypertriploid (n=8) tumors was possible. The best relapse-free survival time was found in patients with diploid tumors. The prognosis worsened from polyploid to hypotriploid and was worse in hypertriploid tumors. Testing for a prognostic advantage of diploid over aneuploid tumors without adjustment for additional factors simply by means of the log-rank statistic gave a (one-sided)Pof 0.1013. In a multivariate analysis the degree of differentiation turned out most important. Again, an appropriate test for prognostic relevance of DNA content failed to be significant (P=0.3264).