Paul and Ebra‐Lima6 reported on the pressure‐induced transport of 12 organic liquids through a highly swollen rubber membrane. Gee10 examined the capability of a liquid to swell a rubber and the interaction between liquid and rubber from the standpoint of the Hildebrand‐Scatchard solubility parameter. In this presentation, the swelling function of Gee was expressed by [V00 − δr)2(1 − v0)2]1/2 where V and δ are the molar volume and solubility parameter of the liquid 0 and the rubber r and (1 − v) represents the volume fraction of rubber when the rubber is fully swollen by that liquid. The data of Paul and Ebra‐Lima are analyzed in terms of the swelling function. It is principally assumed that the flux is a function of the swelling power of the liquid. The analysis indicates that the use of the Gee relationship provides values for the energetics of the various steps in the transport process and a means for differentiating between various types of penetrant liquids.