During the summer of 1971 mapping of Quatemary geology was carried out in the eastem part of the Scoresby Sund region: along the coasts of Jameson Land, at the head of Carlsberg Fjord, around Scoresbysund settlement and at the mouth of Schuchert Dal to the north of Hall Bredning. Observations made by K. Birkenmajer and M. Aellen on the distribution of erratic boulders and extent of glaciation in areas to the south and south-west of Carlsberg Fjord and along the east side of Schuchert Dal were kindly made available to me. The work this summer marked the completion of a 'three summer project' of Quatemary mapping in the region. Some results from the first two summers have been published previously (Funder, 1970, 1971). In the map (map 4) some significant field observations have been presented. The distribution of 'Jameson Land plateau drift deposits' on the map is mainly based on observations by F. Surlyk and T. Birkelund which kindly have been put at my disposal. Sample localities of C14 dates are plotted on the map; a list of these dates with short abstracts is found at the end of this report.

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