The crystallographic and microstructural changes of the ordered cubic carbide (K) phase on ageing have been studied in rapidly solidified Fe-30.9 wt% Mn-8.9 wt% AI-2.8 wt%C ((Fe0.65, Mn0.35)0.83 Al0.17–12 at.%C) alloy. In the as-rapidly solidified condition, an austenitic phase coexists with the carbide phase which is composed of antiphase domains in the interior of the solidification cell. The antiphase domain boundaries were aligned nearly parallel to the {100} planes. By visually comparing the intensity ratio (I110/I100) of the selected-area diffraction pattern in the transmission electron microscope and by quantitatively comparing the same X-ray diffraction intensity ratio, we have deduced that the K phase tends to consolidate into the L'12 structure on ageing at 450°C but into the L12 structure on ageing at 700°C.