Spin-isospin strength distributions forfpshell nuclei: Results for theMn55(n,p),Fe56(n,p), andNi58(n,p) reactions at 198 MeV

Cross sections for the reactions Mn55(n,p), Fe56(n,p), and Ni58(n,p) have been measured at an incident energy of 198 MeV, with protons observed over a range of energies corresponding to excitations of up to about 35 meV in the residual nuclei Cr55, Mn56, and Co58, respectively. Measurements were carried out at center-of-mass angles between 1.6° and 19.9°. A multipole analysis of the results yielded the distribution of Gamow-Teller (GT) and spin-dipole strength for each target. The total GT strength below an excitation energy of 8.5 MeV was 1.7 units for Mn55, 2.8 units for Fe56, and 3.8 units for Ni58. Shell model calculations of the GT strength distribution, carried out in a restricted vector space, show fair to good agreement with the data up to an excitation energy of 8.5 MeV, but overestimate the total strength by a factor of between 3 and 4.