Decompression/Stabilization of the Metastatic Spine: Cotrel-Dubousset-Lnstrumentation in 50 Patients Jan

50 patients with metastatic disease of the spine underwent dorsal decompression and stabilization with the Cotrel-Dubousset-lnstrumentation from 1987 to 1991. Indications for surgical treatment were neurologic deficit, spinal instability, and/or pain resistant to medical or radiation treatment. No external orthotics were used postoperatively. Pain was relieved dramatically in 45 patients. Among 25 patients suffering from neurologic deficit preoperatively, 13 improved, 15 remained unchanged, whereas 2 developed an incomplete, transient paraplegia. 15 (7) patients were alive after 1 (2) years. Postoperative complications were frequent, but there were only 2 failures of the stabilization device requiring reoperation.