The regulation by fibroblast growth factor of early transport changes in quiescent 3T3 cells

This study involves the use of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) as a substitute for exogenous serum to examine the early transport changes which occur when quiescent 3T3 cells re‐initiate active growth. FGF, in nanogram amounts, together with insulin and dexamethasone, can induce mitogenesis and mitosis in 3T3 cells GO‐arrested by holding in growth medium containing 0.8% calf serum. In terms of quiescent cell transport activity enhancement, FGF is 300,000‐fold more effective than fresh serum, on a protein basis. In addition, very short exposure of serum‐depleted cells to FGF indicates that a distinct temporal or time sequence exists in the transport system activation process. For example, uptake of α‐aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) and uridine are stimulated very rapidly, whereas hypoxanthine uptake does not respond until much later. Closer analysis shows that AIB uptake is maximally enhanced within zero to two minutes after FGF addition to cells. Finally, the stimulatory effect of FGF on transport system activities is specific in terms of the proliferative state of the cells to which it is added, and in terms of the uptake systems which respond to it.