The Rev. Mr. Andrews has made a careful section of the railway cutting at Teffont, which shows the Hastings beds and the Middle and Lower :Purbccks. The Roy. O. Fisher marked the divisions on the section. :Mr. Andrews is of opinion that no higher Purbeck beds occur in his neighbourhood than those shown on the section, and that the Hastings series were deposited upon the eroded Purbeck strata; the Purbeek strata continue 50 ft. or more below the base of the railway-cutting, as there are many quarries in the neighbourhood with many feet of Purbecks resting upon the Portland beds. The section in the railway-cutting ends 7 ft. below the “cinder bed ;” but the quarry near the Rectory has been carried 19 ft. below the “ cinder,” into hard grey marls, which are burnt for lime, and contain many fish, insects, Archœoniscus , Cyclades , Cyprides , &c. The following is a detailed section of the Portland beds in the railway-cutting, drawn up by Mr. Andrews, which, although similar to the woodcut-section on p. 252, nevertheless enters more into the particulars of the beds, both as to thickness and succession, and will doubtless be found useful ff the district is visited and examined :— D iscussion Mr. H ulke remarked that the fauna of the “Cinder-bed” being very limited, even where it was best known, namely at Swanage, any addition to it was of great importance. The discovery of the species described by Mr. Etheridge was especially important, the fossil being so strongly characterized