A simulation of the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) has been obtained using a three-dimensional mechanistic model of the stratosphere. The model is a simplified form of the NCAR CCM (Community Climate Model) in which the troposphere has been replaced with a specified geopotential distribution near the tropical tropopause and most of the physical parameterizations have been removed. A Kelvin wave and a Rossby–gravity wave are forced at the bottom boundary as in previous one- and two-dimensional models. The model reproduces most of the principal features of the observed QBO, as do previous models with lower dimensionality. The principal difference between the present model and previous QBO models is that the wave propagation is explicitly represented, allowing wave-wave interactions to take place. It is found that these interactions significantly affect the simulated oscillation. The interaction of the Rossby-gravity waves with the Kelvin waves results in about twice as much easterly co... Abstract A simulation of the equatorial quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) has been obtained using a three-dimensional mechanistic model of the stratosphere. The model is a simplified form of the NCAR CCM (Community Climate Model) in which the troposphere has been replaced with a specified geopotential distribution near the tropical tropopause and most of the physical parameterizations have been removed. A Kelvin wave and a Rossby–gravity wave are forced at the bottom boundary as in previous one- and two-dimensional models. The model reproduces most of the principal features of the observed QBO, as do previous models with lower dimensionality. The principal difference between the present model and previous QBO models is that the wave propagation is explicitly represented, allowing wave-wave interactions to take place. It is found that these interactions significantly affect the simulated oscillation. The interaction of the Rossby-gravity waves with the Kelvin waves results in about twice as much easterly co...