Comparison of the filtration and centrifugation methods for assaying [3H](d-ala2,d-leu5)enkephalin binding to mouse brain membranes

The binding of [3H](d-ala2,d-leu5)enkephalin (DADLE) to mouse brain membranes was studied via rapid filtration with GF/C filters and via the centrifugation method. The amount of specific binding determined by filtration was found to be dependent on the length of time between the initiation of vacuum and the actual time of filtration. Vacuum strength alone also significantly affected the amount of specifically bound [3H]DADLE measured by filtration. The centrifugation method increased the number of experimentally determined binding sites when compared to the filtration method. The difference in the number of binding sites was only partially attributable to passage of binding material through the GF/C filter. The ability of morphine to displace [3H]DADLE was also found to differ slightly between the two methods. These data indicate that centrifugation is a better method of determining the binding parameters of [3H]DADLE in mouse brain membrane preparations.