Studies on Autoantibodies in Human Sera

Summary: Evidence is presented for the existence in human sera of autoantibodies of different specificities. It is shown that cold autoantibodies parallel in their behavior the natural isoagglutinins, and therefore are probably directed against the nucleus of the A-B-O substance. The autoantibodies found in typical cases of acquired hemolytic anemia parallel the behavior of Rh-Hr antibodies, and are presumably directed against the nucleus of the Rh-Hr substance. A serum is also described containing an autoantibody which mimics the behavior of M-N antibodies, and therefore is presumably directed against the M-N-S substance. The possibility of the existence of autoantibodies of still other specificities must also be considered. The hypothesis presented here, while not fully established, is useful since it suggests new avenues of approach to the problem of autosensitization.