Alaska's Good Friday earthquake of 27 March 1964 was accompanied by vertical tectonic deformation over an area of 170,000 to 200,000 square kilometers in south-central Alaska. The deformation included two major northeast-trending zones of uplift and subsidence situated between the Aleutian Trench and the Aleutian Volcanic Arc; together they are 700 to 800 kilometers long and from 150 to 250 kilometers wide. The seaward zone is one in which uplift of as much as 10 meters on land and 15 meters on the sea floor has occurred as a result of both crustal warping and local faulting. Submarine uplift within this zone generated a train of seismic sea waves with half-wave amplitudes of more than 7 meters along the coast near the source. The adjacent zone to the northwest is one of subsidence that averages about 1 meter and attains a measured maximum of 2.3 meters. A second zone of slight uplift may exist along all or part of the Aleutian and Alaska ranges northwest of the zone of subsidence.